
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Blog Assignment~Week 2 CD 6165-7  ~Television Sitcom~ SUBURGATORY~

Sound Off~
I viewed the sitcom called Suburgatory on ABC, Wednesday nights at 9:30 pm Pacific. This was Episode 3 called Ryan’s Song. The characters are Noah, George, Dalia, Dallas, Ryan and Lisa. 
When I viewed the sitcom on mute the characters’ relationships seemed stereo-typed. I assumed the ladies at the spa were friends and very dominating. Yet, they were mother (Dallas) and daughter (Dalia). The scene changed to two men, it was assumed they were gay and heavy beer drinkers. Yet, one man (George) dated Dallas and was very approachable.  The other man (Noah) was a single father who wanted to impress and date his nanny. I assumed that Dallas was a sexy vixen but she was a single mother and loved fashion and was classy.  I also thought Dalia was a striper, but she was intelligent and “valley girl” preppy. The actor’s had good eye appeal and Dallas was very whimsical and impressive with her eyes.
I viewed about twenty minutes of this episode and was quite impressed. But, I am not sure I will continue to watch a sitcom because the only shows I watch on television is Home and Garden Television (HGTV), Oprah’s Life Class and the ABC News.  I may venture off to “Honey BooBoo” or America’s Top Model, occasionally.

Sound On~
My assumptions were really narrow-minded and bias with the sound off, with the sound on, I was impressed by the show. The voices were clear and everyone seemed to fit their character better than with the sound off. The plot was more acceptable even though I only viewed twenty minutes; I think if I viewed more, I would have gained a better likeness of the sitcom. It seemed to go by really fast to me and the scenes kept changing. An “aha” moment was when I thought the two men (George and Noah) were gay and it was quite the opposite. I should not be so bias just because the men were together and dressed causal and drinking beer in the kitchen; I cannot assume they are “lovers”. If I were watching a sitcom that I had some familiarity with my assumptions would have been better. My schemas here are that I tend to look at character roles in men and women and think the men are more on the feminine side and the women are dominating. I think I look at too many programs were the woman are dominate characters. 


O'Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2012). Real communication: An introduction. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's.

Suburgatory. ABC Channel 7: Sitcom,


  1. Thank you for sharing how your bias played a role in how you viewed the show with the sound on and the sound off. Our bias' make a large impact on our schemas, and this can change how we communicate with others.

  2. Nancy! I finally get to leave a post for you! This is a good reminder not to make assumptions about people without having spent time with them, getting to know them at least a bit. And I totally agree with your comment about seeing a lot of shows with dominant women characters. How could constant media influence not change our worldview.

  3. This is a crazy show, but has a lot of good values and morals inside its craziness.
    Dr. Dartt
