
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Stroll Down Twice for week 8 Blog Post!!

My Three Grandsons in Georgia circa 2012
I asked their mother what College do they want to attend. This is what she said: Top: University of Georgia~Athens; Middle son-USC and the little one wants to play for the Baltimore Ravens! Lol!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

~Autism Downfall!!!~

Stroll Down for Week 8 Blog Post (*-*)
~Justice Delayed ~is Justice Denied ~

Please press the link or copy and paste to view the Video:

Liliana Ibarra with her son (age 5)

AUDIT: Inland Regional Center must repay $10 million

SACRAMENTO — The nonprofit agency that serves developmentally disabled residents in Inland Southern California improperly spent almost $10 million and must repay the state, according to a highly critical audit released Friday that found continued widespread problems at the San Bernardino-based Inland Regional Center.
The audit also concluded that Southwestern Transportation Management Services, a Corona firm, improperly received a contract worth nearly $1 million and must pay back the regional center, which will send the money on to the state.
The Department of Developmental Services report, months in the works, is the latest and hardest hitting assessment of the operations at Inland Regional Center, the largest of 21 nonprofit agencies that contract with the state to arrange therapy, transportation, housing and other services for developmentally disabled people.

REGION: Employee with autistic son sues Inland Regional Center

A woman who coordinates services for people with developmental disabilities is suing her employer, Inland Regional Center, claiming the agency retaliated against her as she pursued physical therapy and other assistance for her 4-year-old son, who has autism and is a client of the center.
Liliana Ibarra, 38, is an adviser and advocate for school-age children with cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism and mental retardation at the San Bernardino-based center. But Ibarra says that when she tried to champion for her son, Jesus Aguilar, she was written up, docked three days pay and threatened with termination. She is seeking unspecified damages in the lawsuit filed last month in Superior Court in San Bernardino.

The Press Enterprise of San Bernardino
San Bernardino, California
By Janet Zimmerman ~Staff Writer
June 17, 2012; 10:25 PM

By Bill Miller Sacramento Bureau
October 21, 2011

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Week 8~Blog Assignment

Girls in Brazil
 Blog Assignment ~ Final Week 8

~Teaching and Diversity~

How your colleagues have supported you:
Anne Geddes
My colleagues have  supported me by reviewing my discussion post, commenting on my blog post, email correspondence and just being long distance learners. I can go anywhere in the world and feel a sense of closeness and compassion for the early childhood profession. Some of the readings and applications have been extensive, but what, I have noticed is that these ladies are strong and love the work that they do as reflected in their postings and stamina. It is difficult being away emotional and sometimes physically from our families while studying and having to work and give 100% of our time. Hopefully, within the near future, we will be able to reap the benefits of all our labor.
How you have supported them: 
Mere words can not express the support I am willing to offer my colleagues. I believe just by being me and striving to do the right thing is a good reflection of the passion, I have for working with children and their families.  I have offered my time and commented on discussion post and blogs. We are culturally diverse in our own families and lifestyles and I truly support that as a gift. It has really brighten my own worldview on many subjects and topics of what I have leaned from other woman, men and professionals in this field.

What you wish for your colleagues as they continue on their professional path:

What is desired and  wished for my colleagues is:  livelong learning, great careers and jobs, prosperity and cultural diversity. I like that my colleagues are role models for the profession and that they continue to be forerunners in the early child development field. Good fortune in their field of endeavor and much happiness for the future.

  ~Contact Information~

My Blog Link at Walden:

Phone: As Requested
Personal Email:

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Week: 6~ Team Building & Collaboration, Part 1

Blog Assignment ~week 6

"Groups whose project or task has come to an end, the group members reflect on their accomplishments and failures as well as determine whether the group will disassemble or take on another project". (Adapted from O'Hair and Wiemann, 2012, pp. 257-8)

Around the World~Holidays

High School 35th Class (non-Effective)
 Recently, I went to my high school reunion. I wasn’t involved in the planning or teamwork but I observed how it was organized via social network ~Facebook. At first it began as a social gathering, a picnic and finalizing with a Sunday meeting at church and brunch. Needless to say, the turnout was small, reservations were not honored and the only event materialized was a social event at a night club. This event was okay, yet could have been spectacular had the host known and planned around a huge event the City was putting on that very same weekend. Traffic was horrible and many people from the City event came and crashed our Reunion.
"Songs of Love"

College Reunion (Effective)
I had the great fortune of attending my college reunion (class of 1981) - college I only attended for one year and a half due to family emergencies, I had to withdraw and never returned.
This event was also broadcast via social networking. The turnout was nearly 100%. The event lasted a whole week. There were speakers, brunches, class pictures, commencement ceremonies, campus tours, chapel, and even a visit from first lady, Michelle Obama.
This event was effective in planning sown to every detail. Later, the class of 1981 got together to brain-storm fundraisers for our next class reunion. We pledged money for present college students and for attendees who would have trouble paying for the next reunion. There were positive, supportive working relationships among all team members. This is an event that I will never forget as long as I live. 

We decided to keep in touch by updating a data-based roster via email of every 1981 alumna. This by far was the hardest group to leave, because it brought back new memories from old memories. A closing ritual was that every class dressed in white dresses and paraded around the school holding our class banner. High -performing groups are the hardest to leave because a rapport was established.
First Lady ~Michelle Obama

How do you imagine that you will adjourn from the group of colleagues you have formed while working on your master's degree in this program?
Adjourning from the group of colleagues formed while working on my Master’s degree in Early Childhood Studies here at Walden University will hopefully never end. I plan to get addresses, phone numbers, join social networks, attend conferences and simply met for coffee with all of my colleagues that I have been fortunate to have traveled this journey. 

Why is adjourning an essential stage of teamwork?
Adjourning is a time to reflect on group accomplishments and failures as well as to determine whether the group will disassemble or take on another project. (Adapted from O'Hair and Wiemann, 2012, pg. 257)

For a high performing team, the end of a project brings on feelings of sadness as the team members have effectively become as one and now are going their separate ways (Abudi, 2010).


 Abudi, G. (2010). The five stages of team development: A case study. Retrieved from
O'Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2012). Real communication: An introduction. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's.

Monday, November 26, 2012

~Nonviolent Communication and Conflict Management~

Blog Assignment
CD 6165-7 Communication ~ Week: 5 

Ants! Ants! and More Ants!
The conflict I am having personally is with my property owner of the house where I live. We are having a strange problem with "ANTS". 

The "ants" are everywhere. We have brought everything on the market to kill those little pest. I have an allergy to the sprays so it is hard to fumigate. 
The owner came over to spray outdoors because inside would mess with my allergies. She even wanted to leave the spray and I said “no” my son with Autism may get  hold of the bottle and cause harm. 
I have to keep everything cleaned and washed. They seem to respond to the spray for a few hours and then they are back. Worst than anything, the owner thinks it is my fault that the “Ants” are here. I told her when I first moved in my neighbor came and asked if I had an “Ant” problem and I told her “no” because I had no “Ants” upon first moving here. My house is in the middle of these two homes and they have animals, birds, dogs and I don’t know what else. I need help; this is “bugging” me and my family. 

Two Strategies:
Find outside professional help or assistance. I could Goggle the Environmental Protection Agency and see if they can help. Perhaps it is an infestation in the area and everyone needs to know how to get rid of “Ants”. I believe the owner is not being forthright with me regarding these “Ants” especially if my neighbor came over and said that she too has “Ants”. Learn about how to go forward with mediation. 

Managing emotions is a second strategy. Ask myself questions like:
·        What do I want to change
·        Whose problem is this, how much is mine, how much is  theirs?
·        Aim to improve the situation ( I cleaned my entire kitchen)
·        Increase communication
·        Aim the desire to blame

I would like to know how my colleagues would handle what seems like a small problem, but very annoying. What is your input and advice regarding this problem? How have you learned to be effective communicators as it relates to conflict resolution skills?

References: (2011). Association for conflict resolution. Retrieved from
Conflict Resolution Network. (n.d.). CR kit. Retrieved from

Sunday, November 18, 2012

~Blog Assignment Week 4~

~Week 4 Blog Assignment~
 Who Am I as a Communicator
How Others Evaluated Me:  
People who evaluated me were my son (age 17) and my respite care provider; Cynthia (middle-aged, married and retired)

Similarities & Differences 

Communication Scales Survey – CD 6165-7 Week 4
Verbal Aggressiveness Scale-My score ranged from 61 to 58.
 Everyone thought that I never engage in verbal aggressiveness or personal attacks. Also, I am respectful of others. My lowest score is that I attempt to change the minds of others and may not be respectful of others viewpoints. My highest score was that I may ridicule others who don’t share my viewpoint. 

Communication Anxiety Inventory-My score ranged from 42 to 51.
I scored the lowest in feeling comfortable communicating in most situations. My highest score is reveals that I have anxiety in most areas of communication, making it difficult to influence others. 

Listening Styles Profile-
I am empathetic and concerned with emotions of others; I am business-like; I focus on details and need all information before making a decision; I love a tight schedule and listen to others, efficient but impatient.
Precious Moments

What is the one thing that surprised you the most? Why? 
I wasn't surprised, but I don't have many communicator partners other than my own family, colleagues and people associated with my son with Autism. I don't associate with many people outside the home. I need to make more plans to communicate with my peers. Recently, I have been going to reunions and parties hosted by my high school peers, we are the same age and generation. 
Precious Moments

What other insights about communication did you gain this week? 

Communication is a two-way street.  You have to be honest in all communications with children, parents, colleagues, etc. The three thoughts about ourselves: Self-concept-Knowledge of self; Self-esteem-Feelings about the self and Self-efficacy-Prediction of success for the self is now important to me.Growing up in a family of six and being the last female, I did not have a lot of self-concept nor self-esteem. As I got older, things improved-I graduated from high school early and went nearly 2,000 miles away from home to college.I need to really think about my Self-fulfilling prophecy, I don't think, I will ever get married again. My own mother, never re-married. I don't think, I will get a successful, good paying job, because I have been out of the job market for awhile. I realize that I  have to do the "footwork" and the rest will follow.
Precious Moments

Choose at least two to share with others through your blog and consider how each might inform your professional work and personal life.
  1.  I will likely succeed in classroom situations but struggle in more fast-paced environments. 
  2. I maintain a good balance between respect and consideration for others' viewpoints.~~~Being a vital  part of the classroom is important to the population we as professionals serve. My desire is to work in a Special Needs classroom and Resource Instructor for Early Child Development. I do not expect to be in a large class, nor this is not my goal. 


O'- Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2012). Real communication. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's. 

Precious Moments:Retrieved on 11-18-2012.,

Rubin, R. B., Palmgreen, P., & Sypher, H. E. (Eds.) (2009). Communication research measures: A sourcebook. New York: Routledge. "Communication Anxiety Inventory"  & "Verbal Aggressiveness Scale" 

Rubin, R. B., Rubin, A. M., Graham, E. E., Perse, E. M., & Seibold, D. R. (Eds.) (2009). Communication research measures II: A sourcebook. New York: Routledge. "Listening Styles Profile-16"