
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Week: 6~ Team Building & Collaboration, Part 1

Blog Assignment ~week 6

"Groups whose project or task has come to an end, the group members reflect on their accomplishments and failures as well as determine whether the group will disassemble or take on another project". (Adapted from O'Hair and Wiemann, 2012, pp. 257-8)

Around the World~Holidays

High School 35th Class (non-Effective)
 Recently, I went to my high school reunion. I wasn’t involved in the planning or teamwork but I observed how it was organized via social network ~Facebook. At first it began as a social gathering, a picnic and finalizing with a Sunday meeting at church and brunch. Needless to say, the turnout was small, reservations were not honored and the only event materialized was a social event at a night club. This event was okay, yet could have been spectacular had the host known and planned around a huge event the City was putting on that very same weekend. Traffic was horrible and many people from the City event came and crashed our Reunion.
"Songs of Love"

College Reunion (Effective)
I had the great fortune of attending my college reunion (class of 1981) - college I only attended for one year and a half due to family emergencies, I had to withdraw and never returned.
This event was also broadcast via social networking. The turnout was nearly 100%. The event lasted a whole week. There were speakers, brunches, class pictures, commencement ceremonies, campus tours, chapel, and even a visit from first lady, Michelle Obama.
This event was effective in planning sown to every detail. Later, the class of 1981 got together to brain-storm fundraisers for our next class reunion. We pledged money for present college students and for attendees who would have trouble paying for the next reunion. There were positive, supportive working relationships among all team members. This is an event that I will never forget as long as I live. 

We decided to keep in touch by updating a data-based roster via email of every 1981 alumna. This by far was the hardest group to leave, because it brought back new memories from old memories. A closing ritual was that every class dressed in white dresses and paraded around the school holding our class banner. High -performing groups are the hardest to leave because a rapport was established.
First Lady ~Michelle Obama

How do you imagine that you will adjourn from the group of colleagues you have formed while working on your master's degree in this program?
Adjourning from the group of colleagues formed while working on my Master’s degree in Early Childhood Studies here at Walden University will hopefully never end. I plan to get addresses, phone numbers, join social networks, attend conferences and simply met for coffee with all of my colleagues that I have been fortunate to have traveled this journey. 

Why is adjourning an essential stage of teamwork?
Adjourning is a time to reflect on group accomplishments and failures as well as to determine whether the group will disassemble or take on another project. (Adapted from O'Hair and Wiemann, 2012, pg. 257)

For a high performing team, the end of a project brings on feelings of sadness as the team members have effectively become as one and now are going their separate ways (Abudi, 2010).


 Abudi, G. (2010). The five stages of team development: A case study. Retrieved from
O'Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2012). Real communication: An introduction. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's.


  1. Hi Nancy! First of all, thank you for posting early this week and for sharing such totally different perspectives that we can relate with. How many people can say that Michelle Obama was at their college reunion? That is really something for the books! I think your high school reunion was remarkable because of the hard work and organization!
    As for your colleagues at Walden, I, too, hope to keep in touch with many. I look forward to meeting everyone face to face at graduation, and yet, in many ways, we already "know" each other. As a team, we have definitely become one. Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. Hi Nancy,

    I share the same sentiment with Lois and you about staying in touch with my colleagues from Walden. This assignment of looking at the adjourning phase of team building, made me feel sad that indeed this class will end too, and we will go our separate ways. I never realized the importance of positive departure and closure! Thanks for sharing and posting early!!!

  3. Thank you for sharing how some things can go great and others will go flat depending on the team work of the members and the effort put in.

    To answer your questions. I am from California. I live in Victorville and work at the child development center in Fort Irwin. So not to far from you.

  4. Hi Nancy, thank you for sharing your reunion experiences. It does say so much about how important planning is to make any event successful.
    I too hope that we can stay in touch as we move past this course. There are so many wonderful people we have gotten to learn from and now as we begin to look ahead and move into our specialization coursework, we do indeed have to adjourn from our partnerships as classmates, but we can continue to learn and grow through our friendships!
