
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

~Autism Downfall!!!~

Stroll Down for Week 8 Blog Post (*-*)
~Justice Delayed ~is Justice Denied ~

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Liliana Ibarra with her son (age 5)

AUDIT: Inland Regional Center must repay $10 million

SACRAMENTO — The nonprofit agency that serves developmentally disabled residents in Inland Southern California improperly spent almost $10 million and must repay the state, according to a highly critical audit released Friday that found continued widespread problems at the San Bernardino-based Inland Regional Center.
The audit also concluded that Southwestern Transportation Management Services, a Corona firm, improperly received a contract worth nearly $1 million and must pay back the regional center, which will send the money on to the state.
The Department of Developmental Services report, months in the works, is the latest and hardest hitting assessment of the operations at Inland Regional Center, the largest of 21 nonprofit agencies that contract with the state to arrange therapy, transportation, housing and other services for developmentally disabled people.

REGION: Employee with autistic son sues Inland Regional Center

A woman who coordinates services for people with developmental disabilities is suing her employer, Inland Regional Center, claiming the agency retaliated against her as she pursued physical therapy and other assistance for her 4-year-old son, who has autism and is a client of the center.
Liliana Ibarra, 38, is an adviser and advocate for school-age children with cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism and mental retardation at the San Bernardino-based center. But Ibarra says that when she tried to champion for her son, Jesus Aguilar, she was written up, docked three days pay and threatened with termination. She is seeking unspecified damages in the lawsuit filed last month in Superior Court in San Bernardino.

The Press Enterprise of San Bernardino
San Bernardino, California
By Janet Zimmerman ~Staff Writer
June 17, 2012; 10:25 PM

By Bill Miller Sacramento Bureau
October 21, 2011

1 comment:

  1. Service coordinator answers to the "program manager" who answers to the "regional case manager" who answers to the "assistant chief of case management" who answers to the executive director who then consults with his in house attorney who acts as not only an attorney but a consultant to all the Regional Center staff, so as such wears many different hats, and is unlike the traditional role of an attorney. These regional centers are a cesspool of corruption unlike anything we've ever seen. Meanwhile, they are getting MILLIONS of dollars from the feds to supposedly help the disabled but they are in fact, half the time, going to court hearings to fight against giving people needed services. It's something we've never seen before. A mess. A complete sham and mismanagement of the tax payer's money. These regional centers should all be investigated for corruption and for ties within the regional centers between people who are married or related to each other and help each other deny services to vulnerable clients.
