
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Personal Childhood Web

Personal Childhood Web
Father – Kibby West- My father. He was my father on this earth, now he is in eternal rest. He took us on trips across the country when we were little. He taught us that the Bible was the only word that we should live by. He believed in the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr. and B. F. Skinner. He taught us to not see handicaps, but abilities. He taught me to love mankind.
Mother- Diane West My mother. She was my mother on this earth, now she is in eternal rest. She was so giving and seldom would receive. Her motto: “live each day as if it were your last”. She was a teacher, social worker, care provider, nurse, mentor, life coach, just to name a few titles. She made me feel special just by being my mother. She was very nurturing. I never let a day go by without talking to her on the telephone.
Teacher- Ms. Innez- My first teacher. She was my kindergarten teacher. She made the classroom environment feel like home-like. She had a carousel in the classroom, soft carpet, lots of books and pillows. She had a soft voice and smiled all the time. She was my inspiration to teach.
Aunt- Dolores – My favorite aunt. She taught us about the Muslim religion. She had seven children that she taught at home. Every Saturday, she took her children to the library. She taught me the love of books and reading. She taught me that education is important. She is a lifelong learner.
Uncle- Johnny- My favorite uncle. He brought clothes and shoes for me and my siblings. He cared for us when my parents divorced. He tells jokes all the time. He taught us to respect the law. He always has a smile on his face and in his heart. He has the nicest hugs ever. He taught me to love people unconditionally.


  1. Your father was a wise man. I can appreciate his advice of not to see handicaps, but abilities. Both of your parents would be very proud of you. God bless you.

  2. I also agree that your father was a wise man. I enjoyed reading about the special people in your life. Your uncle sounds as if he loved you all very much and I know you were blessed to have such a special person in your life during a difficult time. Good luck!

  3. You had some wonderful parents. Just reading your personal childhood web encourage me. I like how daddy taught how to look at abilities and not handicaps.

  4. I read your web. I hear the love in your words when you speak of your parents. Life would be so much better for children if their families came from the 'ideal' or 'perfect' ones.
    We will have to count our blessings as they come. Your parents must have been wonderful. Thank you for sharing a little bit of them with me.

  5. Thank you all for the wonderful Post. See you in Week 4!

  6. I admire your aunt in raising 7 children and teaching them to love reading. She sounds like a wonderful person and very giving.
