
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Passion ~Motivation~Wisdom..."Early Childhood Development"

"I owe families my best" (Renattta M. Cooper-Program Specialist~L.A. County)

"I had to ask myself-Who Am I? What are my values, ideas and beliefs? (Leticia Lara, LCSW-ZERO  to THREE)


  1. The question, "Who am I? What are my values, ideas and beliefs?" (Leticia Lara, LCSW-ZERO to THREE)is important to stop yourself and ask ocassionally. As an educator, I find it important to continue to remind myself of why I do what I do and to reconfirm my passions and motivations.

  2. I agree with Erika. The question, "Who Am I? What are my values, ideas and beliefs are important questions to ask yourself as a professional working in the field of Early Childhood Education. We must understand ourselves who we are and why we are in this field. We have to understand we are here to make a difference in the life of our students. I like that quote. It has gotten me to thinking about some things.
