
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Deborah Stipek, Ph.D Excert from her Book:

"Teachers can motivate students only if they themselves are motivated. They can make students feel valued and secure only if they feel valued and secure; they can foster enthusiasm for learning in students only if they are enthusiastic about teaching. The school culture can make or break a teacher in the same way that the classroom culture can support or undermine students' efforts to learn."
- from her book, Motivation to Learn: From Theory to Practice Retrieved on 11/23/2011.


  1. This excerpt says it all! Children learn by example. Positive attitudes and smiles are contagious. Everyone wants to have fun, feel safe and feel loved. When in an environment as such, children will blossom.

  2. I agree with this excerpt as well...I still remember my 1st grade teacher like it was yesterday. Through her modeling, enthusiasm, and love, I felt on top of the world ready to accomplish anything that came my way. She always told me I was a hard worker, but it was her modeling that I worked hard.
