
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

~Wk. 7 ECD- 6162-2  Blog Assignment~

~My Professional goals, hopes and dreams~
I would like to teach in early childhood special education, which is working with children with developmentally delays and their families. My second passion is to design play areas and spaces for incarcerated women and their children, military bases and day care centers in improvised areas. I love setting up play spaces and seeing the children enjoy their activities in an age appropriate environment.

Lady with Flower

~International Professional Contact~ Australia
“I have worked in the field of early childhood and now work in an adult training facility teaching adults to care for children, the cert III & Diploma in Children Services. For me having been involved in the children's services industry for the last 20 years, I am excited by the change and the focus on quality at a national level rather than state by state” (Conversation via email with Yvonne Young, 2012- Australia ). 

What issues regarding quality and early childhood professionals are being discussed where you live and work?
Professional development is offered via organizations like the Early Childhood Association (ECA), growth training, TAFESA the organization I work for and the education department here. A lot of training offered at the moment is around the implementation and use of the new standards and framework. 

What opportunities and/or requirements for professional development exist?
Tomorrow I am off to a round table discussion with educators & industry people to build relationships between educators, workers, within the early childhood sector. 

What are some of your professional goals?
Professional goals are to provide quality and current training to students working in the early childhood field to assist them in working effectively with children; offering quality care. 

 What are some of your professional hopes, dreams, and challenges?
Dreams and hopes, is that all children have access to quality care assisting them to reach their full potential, wish the students I assist in training reach their goals and become quality educators- working in partnerships with families to ensure holistic care of children. 
Pink Roses
Conversation with Yvonne Young,via Walden University Email (June 12, 2012) Early Child Development Training Instructor in Australia.


  1. Nancy,
    I am so glad to see that you and your professional contact have built a relationship. It is interesting to see some similarities between your Australian contact and mine.

    I admire your personal hopes and dreams for working with children with special needs. It takes a very special and patient person to do so and from what I have learned about you, you will be a fantastic special education teacher. Good luck with your aspiration of designing play areas and spaces for incarcerated women and their children and military bases. I am interested in seeing some of your creations.

  2. Nancy,

    I am envious that you have been able to establish a professional contact. I enjoyed reading your interview with her. It sounds as if Australia is struggling with some of the same concerns within early childhood that the US is. Hopefully, we can begin to work with other countries to see what works for them and if it is possible to implement those strategies here. Thanks for sharing!

  3. What wonderful goals you have! I think it is important that students learning how to become early childhood teachers and care providers learn about the importance of teaching to the whole child. Though I took courses in early childhood development during my training to become an elementary and special education teacher, most of the focus was on how to teach academics, and very little was spent on the importance of family partnerships and developmentally appropriate practices that involved PLAY. Go you!

  4. Hello there,
    It's been a long while !
    I LOVE YOUR BLOG -- It's SOO cool :)
    You have shared some awesome information ! You have such a passion. I truely wish you well in your efforts in obtaining what you seek. The children you work with will be blessed for life !
