
Saturday, June 8, 2013

~Week6~Dr. Teri Early Childhood Studies: Capstone 6990-2~ Blog Assignment: Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: In this project I wanted to go back to my natural~nature roots. I was once a docent for Children's Nature Institute in Santa Monica, California and here is my love for Nature and Natural things. I hope you will enjoy my journey and I want to call WWF, the site is extremely interesting and the building in DC is fabulous! I will visit this site when I go to DC for the NAEYC Conference in November of 2013.

International organizations that work for positive social change for children and families:
"African Princess"

Aid for Africa  
6909 Ridgewood Avenue      Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815

Aid for Africa is a unique alliance of United States based charities and their African partners dedicated to helping children, families and communities in and around Sub-Saharan Africa. Their grassroots programs focus on health, education, economic development, arts and culture, conservation and wildlife protection.    

Aid for Africa has positions in their member organizations. Some of their member organizations are: Africa Development Corps; American Leprosy Missions; Books for Africa (in Atlanta, GA); H2O for Life; Invisible Children (in San Diego, CA) and many more organizations throughout the United States. They are looking for internships and volunteers.

Skills and Experience
No skills necessary to volunteer. There is some lifting but not heavy lifting. Some positions can be filled by children as young as 12-years old. They accept students as interns all over the United States and some require only one year of college.

polar bear

Care 2 Make a Difference

Address: Redwood, California
With more than 22 million members, Care2 is the Internet's largest social network for people who want to make a difference. The Care2 campaign team empowers Care2 members to take action with action-oriented tools and content on and, enabling their members to rapidly pool their resources and produce lasting change. Care2 powers its members' activism via cause-driven education, activism and fundraising campaigns that benefit more than 1,000 of the world's best-known nonprofit organizations.
Internship Responsibilities: 
Care2 Advocacy & Editorial Paid Internship -- Redwood Shores, CA
Support the Care2 campaign team's efforts to provide fast and high-quality advocacy, membership recruitment and fundraising campaigns for nonprofit clients. Research progressive legislation in Congress and urgent advocacy topics, monitoring breaking news, blogs and content partner sites daily for compelling campaigns; Write and copy edit Care2 action alerts, blog posts, and success stories; Monitor social media outlets to better understand how users are talking about and using Care2, and for which issues people are passionate about; Communicate with Care2 activist petition authors to help them promote their petitions.
Internship Qualifications: Student actively enrolled in coursework and seeking to complete school internship credit in a relevant field (such as journalism, marketing, political science, women's studies, environmental studies, public policy). Recent graduates are also invited to apply. To make the internship a rewarding experience, the intern will work with the Care2 advocacy and editorial teams to develop and take the lead on a semester-long project that fits their unique skills and interests, above and beyond the daily tasks assigned.The position is located in Redwood City, California. Dates and hours of the internships are flexible. The internship pays $10 per hour and does not provide benefits.

Fatima in Puerto Rico

Planet Aid, Inc.

Address:         6730 Santa Barbara Court
Elkridge, Maryland 21075

Planet Aid is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization that collects and recycles used clothing and shoes to protect the environment and support sustainable development in impoverished communities around the world. Planet Aid’s mission is to inform, mobilize, and inspire individuals and communities to work together to bring about worldwide environmental and social progress. They work to strengthen and organize communities, reduce poverty and promote small enterprise development, support sustainable local food production, improve access to training and quality education, and increase health awareness and encourage healthy lifestyles.
The Manager in Training (MIT) system offers individuals an opportunity to obtain training, gain work experience, and broaden their outlook through international service work. Upon completion the manager in training may obtain a position with Planet Aid on the path to become a future manager with Planet Aid. The MIT system spans 30 months and was developed in partnership with One World Center. Twelve months on-the-job training during this time you may work in a variety of positions, from driver to administrative assistant or community outreach specialist. You will learn many new skills and get a good feel for the culture and spirit of the organization.  Eighteen months as a participant in One World Center's:
Six months studying about the
world, its problems and its potential future
Six months working on a project site in Africa
Six months back in the States reporting on your experiences and new found insights
During this time, you will have the opportunity to take online courses at the One World University (OWU). The OWU courses count for 1000 study hours and are the equivalent of 20 credit units.

WWF in Washington, DC

World Wild Life (WWL)
Address:         World Wildlife Fund   (Picture on the left in Washington, DC                                  
1250 24th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20037
Around the world, local communities and indigenous peoples are key stewards of the natural places WWF works to conserve. They depend on forests, fisheries and wildlife for their ways of life. Over generations, many have developed knowledge and practices to sustainably use and protect natural resources. World Wildlife Fund is a nonprofit organization dedicated to environmental conservation through science.
Employment, Skills and Experience
 Internal Communications Internship:(Ended May 38, 2013)
As the internal communications intern, you will apply your talents and skills to providing employees with important information and support leaders’ efforts to engage employees across the organization. Your role will support the internal communications manager and other internal partners.
Use your stellar writing skills to produce content (e.g., articles, case studies, FAQs, etc) for our weekly employee e-newsletter, intranet and other internal channels. Sharpen your office systems and planning skills supporting our intranet transformation. This internship is a great opportunity for recent graduates of/students enrolled in degree programs in communication, journalism, English or related fields.
Minimum Requirements:
Bachelor’s degree preferred; Graduate degree in progress a plus Background in communications, journalism, English or related field. Exceptional oral and written communication skills. Experience writing for web. Proficiency in MS Word and Power Point. Experience w/ html, Share Point, or other CMS a plus an interest in conservation
Location: Washington, DC
Compensation: Paid or unpaid. For all unpaid internships, applicants must be enrolled in school and be able to obtain academic course credit from their university.

Interior of WWF in Washington, DC

Aid for Africa (2013). Retrieved on June 11, 2013

Care2Make A Difference (2013). Retrieved on June 11, 2013

Planet Aid, Inc.(2013) Retrieved on June 12, 2013

World Wild Life (WWL) (2013). Retrieved on June 13, 2013

~I wanted to keep these sites for future reference~


  1. Hi Nancy! I was unaware of each of these organizations. The jobs seem fascinating, and in many ways, I wish that I had interned in such a location during or after college. My knowledge has just grown so much, and I know that when I was in college I did not know of such opportunities.
    The recycling of clothes and shoes to help protect the environment really resonated with me. I definitely will look further into Planet Aid. I wonder if we could recycle shoes to share with poor children in international countries. I remember how quickly Adam outgrew shoes; it would be a great undertaking to collect these shoes and recycle them to other children. If we only did sneakers, it would be a beginning. Your sharing has given me much to think about... I hope you do come to NAEYC in November; maybe we can visit the organization there together!

  2. Nancy, I too ventured in to serving in Africa. There are some many issues in the country ranging from health, abuse and education; but there are so many dangers that exist. Children are being raped and force to be carry gun, kill and be solders at such an early age. Even though there are danger issues, I still feel that I want to teach children and their families that their presence can make a difference in their child’s education. I really like the Planet Aide Inc. We donate every year to the Salvation Army and they sell the clothes sometimes more than I paid for them; but, giving them to an organization like that where children will benefit is better. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Dear Nancy,

    These organizations seem great! I'm glad you share their information on your blog. I will look into each with more detail in the future when looking to support a good cause or get involve. I appreciate how thorough your research is for this blog! Thanks :)


  4. Hi Nancy, The Step by Step Association, included in your references, is an excellent organization. I really enjoyed learning about this organization while reading their website. Although I did not see any job postings, I emailed additional information about possible careers in their Civic Participation in Education program services.
