
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Blog Assignment: Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

~EDUC 6990-2 Dr. Teri~Capstone

Dr. Maya Angelou was a keynote speaker at the Children's Defense Fund National Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio on July 25, 2012 . 

Week 4 Blog Assignment: Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level~EDUC 6990-2 Dr. Teri~Capstone

At least three national/federal organizations or communities of practice that appealed to you and why you chose them:

HighScope Educational Research Foundation is an independent nonprofit research, development, training, and public outreach organization with headquarters in Ypsilanti, Michigan. HighScope's mission is to lift lives through education. They envision a world in which all educational settings use active participatory learning so everyone has a chance to succeed in life and contribute to society. I love the curriculum. It is always changing and updated to the needs of children in early childhood. They also stress developmental appropriate practices and emergent curriculum in early infant/toddler and preschool environments. There is no rigorous learning task and test, every child learns at their own developmental pace and as they play, they learn.

ZERO TO THREE is a national, nonprofit organization that informs, trains, and supports professionals, policymakers, and parents in their efforts to improve the lives of infants and toddlers. Their mission is to ensure that all babies and toddlers have a strong start in life. I enjoyed working with infants, toddlers and their families and this organization is a great reference for professional teachers because it is up to date and relevant for training, learning and teaching. 

Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) started in 1973 and is a private, nonprofit organization funded by foundation and corporate grants and donations. Its mission, Leave No Child Behind is to see that each child has a healthy start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start and a Moral Start in life.

They pay particular attention to the needs of poor and minority children and those with disabilities. CDF educates the nation about the needs of children and encourages preventive investments before they get sick, drop out of school, get into trouble or suffer family breakdown. I love this organization because it will be around when no other organization will be. I enjoy how they advocate for the rights of every child. 

National Autism Society. National Autism Association mission is to respond to urgent needs of the autism community, providing help and hope so that all affected can reach their full potential. This is one of my favorite organizations that help me and support other parents in time of stress. 

The Walter E. Riley School of Education The Richard W. Riley College of Education and Leadership provides access to high-caliber programs that prepare learners as scholarly leaders who can inspire, influence, and impact their diverse communities by helping to meet the challenges and opportunities of education worldwide. It is a part of Walden University and Laureate Education, Inc. The Richard W. Riley College of Education and Leadership at Walden University is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). As a recognized standard of excellence in professional education for the preparation of teachers, administrators, and other preK–12 school professionals, NCATE accreditation ensures the college has met rigorous national standards set by the profession and members of the public. I chose Walden’s School of Education because they have given me a good fundamental education to learn about children in an online professional environment.  

Job opportunities that interest you & Skills and experience you would need to competently fulfill each of these roles:

High Scope:
The HighScope Foundation carries out research, curriculum development, training, and publishing related to the education of children and youth. HighScope primarily serves adults who work with children at the preschool, early elementary, and adolescent levels.
There are two teaching positions at the Demonstration Preschool. The services of independent Field Consultants who are trained in the HighScope educational approach are used to implement training throughout the country. There are HighScope-oriented programs/positions both in the U.S. and abroad.
Zero to Three:
Some of the requirements: Eight years of experience in home visiting and early childhood; with a robust knowledge of evidence-based home visiting, state policy and infrastructure development, creating a continuum of care using multiple home visiting models; strong knowledge of early childhood development with services to infants and toddlers; Master’s degree in early childhood.
U.S. Department of Education:
Department: Department Of Education
Job Title: Education Program Specialist
Agency: Office of Postsecondary Education
Two years of progressively higher level graduate education leading to a master's degree or master's or equivalent graduate degree. Knowledge of professional education principles and techniques used in the evaluation of proposals and projects for improved education.
Skill in foreign language and education or work abroad experience, as well as experience working with institutions of higher education. Ability to independently resolve problems by application of precedents or established methods and practices.
Children’s Defense Fund (CDF):
About 70 undergraduate, graduate and recent graduates intern in the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) in Washington, D.C.. While a few of the internships give preference to certain majors everyone with a strong interest in child advocacy is encouraged to apply. CDF interns gain knowledge, skills, and experience for a lifetime commitment as a child advocate and public policy leader. They also get an insider's view of a non-profit advocacy. Educational and training programs highlight trends and issues in the child advocacy and public policy fields. These programs help CDF interns understand their role as servant leaders and advocates, and they equip interns to act in their communities after leaving.

Children’s Defense Fund (2012). [Jobs] Retrieved on May 31, 2013, from

HighScope Educational Research Foundation (2013). [Job Opportunities] Retrieved on May 30, 2013,

The National Autism Society (2013). Retrieved on May 31, 2013, from

U.S. Department of Education (2013). [Jobs] Retrieved on May 31, 2013, from

Zero to Three (2013). [Careers] Retrieved on May 31, 2013, from


  1. WOW! Your blog is so fancy! I think working for Zero to Three would be an awesome experience. When I worked for Even Start in collaboration with Early Head Start I received training from Zero to Three employees and it was amazing. When I was still working in an early education classroom my heart belonged to children 0-3. I love working with infatn/ toddlers. Thank you for the information from your blog!

    Jsoie Zbaeren

  2. I enjoyed viewing your entire blog because it is very eye catching. I am familiar with zero to three and the children's defense fund. Both of these organizations have provided me with better insights throughout this program. I have also been able to gain more understanding about the imporatance of advocacy work from these different organizations. Thanks for sharing these resources and I hope to have an opportunity to attend a trainging with one of these organizations as you have done in the past.


  3. Nancy, I really enjoyed reading and learning from your blog. I noticed that we always have some interests that are similar to each other. High scope and the U.S. Department of Education were two that interest me; however, I noticed that they both seem to challenge me to require more experiences and education. It is so interesting that the more we learn about the opportunities in education, the more we what to do, change or acquire. I can see your passion and desires in your selection of your resources. Thanks so much for sharing.Thanks Katrice.

  4. Hi Nancy,
    Your blog was very interesting and I really enjoyed reading it. I have heard of High Scope and through your blog it seems to have a great curriculum to help with children's education. The U.S. Department of Education is also a great organization to help with the education of our young children. I thank you for sharing your organizations and I would like to share with you the National Education Association (NEA), this organization is totally committed with providing a high quality organization, publicly funded, quality kindergarten programs in all states. The NEA provides federal funds to make pre-K classes available for children ages 3 to 4 years old for families with disadvantages.

    The National Education Association

  5. Nancy,
    The ZERO TO THREE organization I think is a great organization because they also train and that they supports professionals, and informs policymakers, and parents in their efforts to improve the lives of infants and toddlers.

  6. Wow! Nancy your blog was very informative! I'm especially interested in the job position that's available at the Department of Education - Education Program Specialist. Information about your organizations was helpful and interesting.
