
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

~Week 8~Blog Assignment~

Thumper & Bambi

~Week 8~Blog Assignment: What I Have Learned

One hope that I have when I think about working with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds:
H appiness
O pen-mindedness
P roblem-solving
E quality

I hope that my children and families find happiness; be open-minded about learning, problem solve together, it takes a village to raise a child; Show equality in and out of the classroom environment toward everyone!

One goal I would like to set for the early childhood field related to diversity:
Bring diversity into the classroom, parents and community in all its forms; languages, anti-bias education, inclusion, reduce “isms” and strife for diversity in my daily curriculum. 
One goal I would like to set for the early childhood field related to equity:
Bring equity into the classroom by incorporating gender toys in all the areas in the classroom. Have families come and talk about their culture and culture beliefs. 
One goal I would like to set for the early childhood field related to social justice:
Advocate for higher stability in the early childhood classroom by lobbying for higher wages, lower teacher/child ratios, better benefits and a Union for Early Child Development professionals.
Thank you! Colleagues

A brief note of Thanks to Colleagues:
I know this was a very long struggle for some of my colleagues faced with weather issues and family issues and any other issues that came about during these eight weeks, but we got through it and now the journey is almost over. Take care and thank you for all your support~ Professor Kien and Colleagues!


  1. Nancy,

    Your post made me think on how important is that families and children feel happy. I consider a person can feel happy when the place and people send positive messages related to trust, confidence, and support. Our programs can be the place where families feel happy by being themselves, if we value the uniqueness of their differences.

    Thanks for sharing your ideas through your posts Nancy. Good luck in the last four months of this program and in your future endeavors!

  2. Nancy,

    I like the creative way you discussed your hope and goals. You discussed reducing "isms" and advocating for social justice. I agree that those are very important goals in the early childhood profession. We want to stop the cycle of biases, prejudices, and oppression so that our students and families understand they are valued and they can embrace their individuality.
