
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Week 2 Assignment 2
~Blog Assignment: My Personal Research Journey~
Summer Fruit!

"Global Tag"

The topic I chose is~ Alternative parenting: psycho-social implications in children raised by Gay and Lesbian couples.  I am interested in this topic because it is unique and seldom explored. With the “coming-out” of millions of women and men several decades ago, there has been a shift in parenting of children by Gay and Lesbian couples. Currently, the Obama Administration approves of Gay and Lesbian marriage. Some people are strictly homophobic and do not like the mention of same-sex couples, yet we cannot stop to think that one day we will be seeing more and more alternative parents coming into our child care centers. What will we do? What will we say? How will we react? Will we feel sorry for the parents or the child (ren)? 
Baby Mermaid

I chose this topic also, because I have a relative that is Gay/Lesbian and they have recently adopted a newborn infant. My personal experience is that this week has been very slow. I am not up to summer school. Yet, I must move on…I want to do more research on this topic and I think it is most beneficial to look at the references of the research articles that are of interest to you and the topic and go from there. I found one sight that had a host of bibliographical links to more interesting research on my topic.
I researched “alternative parenting” and “parenting styles” and found that “alternative parenting” can mean a host of structured parenting styles:

Blended parents
Foster/Adoptive Parents
Teen Pregnancy
Grand Parents
Yours, Mine, Ours ~ Parents
Single Parents
Gay/Lesbian Parents…and many other types of parents.

Is this topic relevant to early childhood development?
Is this topic relevant to this class?
Search yourself~ could you be homophobic?
Do you have “alternative parents” in your program? What do you think of them? Specially, what do you think about same sex couples and those couples who are open about raising or adopting children?
In today’s society we have bi-racial couples and children, how do you feel about gay/Lesbian couples and their children or child, are there any differences in these alternative parents?


  1. Nancy,
    This topic is relevant to early childhood. You are so right that there are so many children being raised with families of same sex couples. And they will probably suffer some type of judgment against them or have to deal with some social problems; but, we have to remember that they are children. They deserve the best education and care like every other child. This is a very interesting topic and I am sure that you will get a lot of personal comments about their parents being gay and lesbian.

  2. Hi Nancy,
    Very interesting topic. Gay/Lesbian raising children is a topic that I would like to know more about as well. What kind of relationship the child will have with other peers and how will he or she is able to cope in the world?
