
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

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Final Blog Assignment ~ Week 8

Three consequences of learning about the international early childhood field
Children in Belize
Poverty in Early Childhood ~Belize~
The Liberty Children’s Home near the city of Belize opened in 2005 and can host 40 children from ages 0 to 5 years. All the children have been abandoned, neglected, abused or orphaned and many have special needs or HIV positive.
I would visit this school if given the opportunity to go to Central America. I would develop programs for the young children to learn English and read. I would teach the children American songs. 

 Language Diversity ~ Chile~
The children of Chile are involved in a project named “Un Buen Comienzo ~“A Good Start” similar to America’s Head Start. This projects goal is to improve early childhood education through teacher professional development. The focus age is four to six years.
Professionally, I would travel to Chile, and learn their native language so that I could teach them English. I would teach the children and their parents about famous Artist in Central American history like Diego Rivera. 
Child in Chile
  Advocacy in Early Childhood ~ Australia~
The government in Australia will soon develop new policies to advocate for children in early childhood. The implementation of a national Quality Framework (NQF) sets standards for children’s care, including staffing, safety and environments. 
I am professionally very passionate about classroom environments for children. The World Forum Foundation Global Collaborative OnDesign for Children is pleased to announce the first International Working Forum that will challenge views on model building design for children…read on

If I were fortunate enough to one day visit my Australian contact, I would go to their classroom and create a design for ages zero to five. I would have many colors in the classroom and pastel colors in the infant/toddler room. I believe in colors and tons of creativity in the classroom environment. I really fell passionate about classroom design for children in early childhood. 
~One Goal for International Awareness~

Children in India
I wish that one day globally, childhood poverty would end. Poverty involves homelessness, hunger, mental health, nutrition, social isolation and many other factors. The worst poverty that I studied in this course was in India. Almost half of all children (about 62 million) under the age of five are malnourished and 34 percent of the new-borns are underweight. India has the largest numbers of working children in the world.

The statistics for India’s poor is very sad.  Gender bias, class and caste keep the female disparities in place in India. I met a woman from India a year ago and she was ousted from her family because she did not want to become a doctor and lose weight. Her sister was the prize of the family because she was thin and in medical school.

~CD 6162 Colleagues~

Farewell to my Colleagues! I almost forgot to greet you success in all you do and may you excel and accomplish all your dreams and goals! We had a few bumps and bruises from the new Walden format, we made it~ You are the Best!


  1. Nancy, from what I know about you, you just might make is to Australia. I have learned so much from your passion and dedication to this field, and I look forward to sharing the next class with you. Your ideas about color and creativity are inspiring, and I am certain your Australian contact will benefit from your unlimited imagination. My contact is from India, and although poverty is indeed high in that country, I was shocked to realize how close poverty is to all of us. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself, Nancy!

  2. Hi Nancy,

    Your posts always provide lots of useful information and I enjoy reading them and learned something from them. This week's blog is full of information internationally and i'm excited to see Australia advocating for children and about to develop new policies in early childhood to support children. Thank you for sharing useful information throughout the course and I wish you all the best in your future studies.


  3. Thank you Nancy for sharing your passion for the field of earlychildhood education. poverty is something that all of us even globally would have to fight to eradicate. But I gues we can do it by advocarting stronly for children's rights globally.
    Much success to you and all your educational endeavors!
