
Friday, March 9, 2012

~Relationship Reflection~

I love and cherish all the relationships that I have had over my lifetime and hopefully in the future; I will have more positive relationships. Relationships are important to me because it brings community in my life. Community is family, cousins, uncles, mother, father, pastors, brothers/sisters, spouse, aunts, in-laws, mentors, professors and even lifelong friendships. 
Son and Daughter

~This is my son and daughter, I currently have a positive relationship with them because of love. The positive thing is that they will always be a part of my life. I wish to always have an unconditional love and understanding with them that I will always be a positive influence in their life. 

~The relationships I have had with my colleagues at Walden University have been so positive to me because we are online learners and even through we don’t visually see each other, we still give each other support. 

~I enjoy my mentor, Vander Dale. His life story is so humble. He was a homeless man for about nine months on skid row district in downtown Los Angeles. Through the support of friends from his support group, he recovered. He is now working on his PhD. in Psychology as an online learner. He graduated top of his class in his MSW (Master’s of Social Work) program. He has no children, no spouse, never been married and lives with his brother suffering from a mental illness. He cared for his 92 year old mother until the day she past away. I can see developing a partnership with Mr. Dale because he is so positive and inspiring. 
Pastor John

~My professors at Walden University and Chapman University adult learners  have been very supportive of me and my goals. They are well abreast in their field and they are very inspiring and uplifting. 

~I really like going to hear my “Pastor John” speak. He is a positive person in my life. He was also my Business Ethics professor. He loves family and you really feel at home in his church.

~I have a relationship with my eldest son because he has my grandsons. My relationship is different because now he is a father and his son’s will carry on the gene pool. He will know the meaning of parenthood and caring from the way I cared and nurtured him.
My oldest son and Grandson's

~I have a different kind of relationship with my roommate from college when I was young. And I have a relationship with the “daughter’s of sisterhood” who helped me realize my potential as a young college student in the South.  Spelman College is a girl’s school located in the South.  We all share a special “sisterhood”, which will last throughout our lifetime. 
Roommate and spouse at Dinner (foreground)


  1. Nancy,
    I like your extensive list of those whom you have relationships with and how you relate to them as your community. You have many people in your life who support you and all you do. Thank you for including your peers at Walden, that is sweet of you. I agree with you that our peers have been a wonderful source of support.
    I especially like the story you shared about your mentor. Wow, he has come a long way! How amazing to follow someone who has pushed through life’s challenges.

  2. Nancy,

    I want to thank you for your posts. I do enjoy reading them. You have come along way and a mentor for all those around you - even if you may not think so. I appreciate your willingness to share. If you are ever back in the "Hooiser" state, I would be the one blessed by our 'quality' time visiting. Blessings to you!

  3. What a great post and relationship reflection. You have a network of great people in your life and it reflects in you post.
