
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My blog Link:                           Week 8 Final Blog Assignment
Daily Resource
  When I Think of Research... 
What insights have you gained about research from taking this course? 
I learned and gathered information on research designs, quantitative, qualitative and mixed research design methods, interviewing and observation techniques, case study, three different types of research designs, triangulation, what to look for when reading a research journal, narrowing the general research topic and subtopics, finding the research question and hypothesis, literature review of the topic, learning about Early Childhood research, The research Process; Research ethics and bias, variables, integrity and validity, children in research, consent and assent, key research words, MacNaughton (2010) states that in early childhood research, as in other areas of the social and behavioral sciences, there is rarely a single correct way of conducting any research project, it is a matter of options and choices and the researchers approach to the study. Research varies according to data and is open to constant change.

In what ways have your ideas about the nature of doing research changed? 
I find research, especially on children very complicated, exhausting, and nothing to take lightly,  but worth investigating to bring about advocacy and best practices for families and society as a whole. Suppose a researcher wanted to know more about children's social experiences, home environments, classroom environments or social behaviors; he/she would have to do experiments or research on children, families and their community.

What lessons about planning, designing, and conducting research in early childhood did you learn? 
According to MacNaughton (2010) research design is simply a matter of  planning. Due to time restrictions, I did not have a lot of time to plan. I desired to do a lot more literature review and planning. Yet, I had an idea of what I wanted to discuss, yet was it feasible? Design is a matter of options and choices and creatively translating a research idea. I wanted my research to be less experimental and more predictable with observations, with more understanding than explaining. What I did learn in doing research in early childhood was that a lot of observation is needed.

What were some of the challenges you encountered—and in what ways did you meet them? 
Some of my challenges were formulating a research question, hypothesis and final design.   I met some of my challenges and in some cases I do not feel I met some challenges. I formulated a question, created a hypothesis and drafted a final design. I was still divided on using quantitative, qualitative of mixed designs. Qualitative is the most desirable design for research with children because the researcher can do observational analysis.

What are some of the ways your perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this course?
Now, as in the past, I have a growing respect for the profession of early childhood. Some people think research on children is very simple, uncomplicated, and unwarranted, they are wrong. We must continue research on children, their parents and community in order to advocate for best practices to bring about good policy. 

A Special Thanks...

I wish to thank all my colleagues who helped me through this course in the discussions, assignments and blogs. You are a good team! I want to also, thank Professor Dartt, and congratulations on her new family addition~grandson and their family.